Saturday, July 12, 2008


I didn’t want to reach this season…. Here comes the hell of test!! I already take four tests; listening, reading, speaking, and international society and Japan. These four tests were all difficult for me. Is it only for me…? Of course not! I think the first grade test was easier than this year test. I have about nine tests this month. Oh my god, I must not forget to my reports. I have a lot of things that I have to do! Give me more time, please! Wait, wait, wait, don’t be in hurry. Calm down. I have enough time because this month I have my part-time jobs only seven days. So I can study for a long time. Yah, I have a highly motivation for the tests. Hang on!

Think about after these tests. After this season, the summer vacation begins, yay! I am looking forward to it! I have a lot of things that I want to do. For the time being, 29th July, I will go to the restaurant to hold a party to celebrate the end of the test with my friends.
What do you want to do after tests ;)?

[194 words]

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