Friday, July 11, 2008

BR-9: Marcel goes to HOLLYWOOD

I read the book titled “Marcel goes to HOLLYWOOD”
A little before, I read this Marcel series book. I don’t like that story but I think the book which I have read is easy to read. So I rent this book.
In this book, the hero is Marcel as well as the book I read before. Now, I would like to talk about this story.

Marcel has a girlfriend names Celine, and they are French mice. Do you remember Marcel’s job? Yes, he is a detective. One summer, they went to Los Angels on holiday. It is very interesting that mice ride on the plane and trip abroad.
They arrived at Los Angels, they went to their hotel. And when they took a little rest in their room, Marcel hears a noise. He and Celine go upstairs to the kitchen. And then, he found a note on the wall. That says “We have the girl. Don’t go to the police. Be in your office tomorrow morning at 10. We have the telephone number.” It was kidnappers threatening letter. The parents of the girl who was kidnapped read the note, too. They are surprising and scared. The father’s name is Arnold, and the mother’s name is Claudia. Arnold goes his office following the kidnapper’s memo. Marcel and Celine follow Arnold, too. At the Arnold’s office, he walks up and down. He doesn’t become composed because his telephone isn’t ringing. 10 minutes later, the telephone rings.
The kidnapper’s demands are one million dollars and bring it to the room 309 on the Queen Mary. Arnold does these things as the kidnappers say. But they demand that bring more money. At one point, the kidnappers go back to their hiding place with one million dollars in bag. Marcel and Celine get in this bag. In their hiding place, Marcel and Celine are waiting the chance. When kidnappers fall asleep, Marcel takes a telephone and call to police. Then, because of this action, the child is free and kidnappers are cached. That is the end of this story.

It was a happy ending! I like this story than the story I read before. Marcel is brave mouse. But I think it is hard to happen some accidents wherever Marcel goes.

[386 words]

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