Friday, July 11, 2008

BR-11: Mystery in London

I read the book titled “Mystery in London” It is the same style to the book I read before; “SURVIVE!” I can choose the development. In the story, I can be the hero. Now, Let's start my story.

This is the year 1898, and my mane is Mycroft Pound. The Whitechapel Killer attacks people with a long knife, and six women are dead because of him. That is terrible. And then I found the woman who is lying in the street. She is very ill. There are the bicycle tracks on the road. Then, this is the first choose time. I can follow the bicycle tracks or go into the Rose and Crown which is the bar near here to talk to the people there. And I choose the last one. Then, I talk to the old woman there, and she knows that ill woman. Her name is Annie, she lives in Cable Street. I decided to go to that street. Then, I found Annie’s house there. There is a woman and she teaches me about Annie. I can understand that Annie has best friend names Rosy, and boyfriend. I can choose again. Back or go. I go to Limehouse Street where Rosy lives. My choice is correct, so I can meet Rosy soon. I talk about Annie, and Rosy cry. And she teaches to me about Annie’s boy friend; Jack. But that is my first mistake. I can’t find Jack because Jack is sailor, and there are a lot of Jack in the London docks.
I must go back to Annie’s house to gather more information. In Annie’s house, I find a letter from Jack. It says that “Tomorrow my ship is going to India. Please meet me at the Rose and Crown tonight. I have something very important for you.” I can understand that the Whitechapel Killer is him! And I can know her boyfriend’s ship. The ship name is Californian. I turn to London ducks again. But there are a lot of ships, so it is difficult for me to find the Whitechapel Killer’s ship. So I ask the people where is Californian. And finally, I can find that ship. But in the ship, there are three Jack! I must choose one in the tree. I mistake two times, and last one is the Whitechapel Killer. He say he don’t know about Annie, but in his pocket, there is a knife which on blood. I catch him with the captain help. And I take him off the ship and give him to the police.

The affair is solved. It was very difficult, and it takes long time. It just likes sugoroku! I like this type of books.

[465 words]

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