Friday, July 11, 2008

BR-10: April in Moscow

I read the book titled “April in Moscow” It is a dancer’s story. I am interested in dance, so I thought I want read this book. Now, I am going to talk about this story.

The heroine in this story is April Fox. She works for the British Dance Company in Leeds. And her boss is Maria Grant. April has a friend names Laura. One day, Maria talked about good news. The news is her dance company can go to Russia to participate the Russian dance party. April and Laura was glad to hear that news.

Six weeks later, they leave Britain and go to Russia. On the plane, April and Laura talk about Moscow. They are both very happy. They are looking forward to see the famous places. At the hotel, Laura watches TV, but April is not listening to TV or Laura. She is looking out of the window. Next day, the dancers work very hard. After lesson, April and Laura go to a café and drink Russian tea. They talk about where they go next, and they decided to go to The Pushkin Museum. In the street near the museum, there is a small market. And then, they meet two men who can speak English. The two names Nikolai and Sasha. Those guys invited April and Laura to go to the country. So they go to the country together. And then, April and Sasha fall in love each other. But she is a dancer, so she has to go back to Moscow to enter the dance party. She parted from him in the country.

She comes back to Moscow, and enters the dance party. She dance without thinking about Sasha. She succeeded. And then, Sasha appears in front of April, and gives a note to her. It is Sasha’s address. They promise to meet again.

It is not only dance story but also love story. It was a good story, I think. But a long distance love is very difficult!!

[333 words]

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