Sunday, July 13, 2008

Summer vacation plans

My summer vacation plans are not decided clearly yet. But I have a lot of things that I want to do. For example, I want to go sea and cook over a barbecue with my friends. I think we can do this thing only summer, so I decided to do soon. The other thing that I want to do is take a short trip to somewhere. I like to trip. I promised my mother to trip to Kyoto someday, so I want to go Kyoto this summer. Kyoto has a lot of memories of my mother’s youthful days. For these things, I have to save a lot of money.

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My dear....

Today, I would like talk about my dearest baby.

His name is Rookie, and he is a dog; golden retriever. He came to our house about eight years ago. Yes, he is eight years old now. Eight years ago, I was twelve years old; elementary school sixth grade student. When he has just come to our home, he was very quiet dog. He was uncommon, he weren’t affable. My family worried about his character. Before he comes, we had another dog named Keeper. He was dead one or two years ago from Rookie come. Keeper could live only three years. He was very friendly and clever. Especially my mother loved him. So she worried about weather she can love next pet or not. In Rookie’s childhood, he is not clever like Keeper, and he didn’t trust us. We have a little distance each other. I was very sad for it. I had been trying to tell my love to him. And few years later, he did trust me a little and little. Now, we love and trust each other. I know that he likes me very much because when he looks at me, his face is very gentle. But he has a little weak constitution.
He was operated a few months ago. Now he is fine. I want him to live a long long life.
I put his picture a little here. Look at these! He is very pretty, isn’t he!? He is the best for me.
Do you have pets? And do you care for them? The pets are family.

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Saturday, July 12, 2008


I didn’t want to reach this season…. Here comes the hell of test!! I already take four tests; listening, reading, speaking, and international society and Japan. These four tests were all difficult for me. Is it only for me…? Of course not! I think the first grade test was easier than this year test. I have about nine tests this month. Oh my god, I must not forget to my reports. I have a lot of things that I have to do! Give me more time, please! Wait, wait, wait, don’t be in hurry. Calm down. I have enough time because this month I have my part-time jobs only seven days. So I can study for a long time. Yah, I have a highly motivation for the tests. Hang on!

Think about after these tests. After this season, the summer vacation begins, yay! I am looking forward to it! I have a lot of things that I want to do. For the time being, 29th July, I will go to the restaurant to hold a party to celebrate the end of the test with my friends.
What do you want to do after tests ;)?

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Friday, July 11, 2008

BR-11: Mystery in London

I read the book titled “Mystery in London” It is the same style to the book I read before; “SURVIVE!” I can choose the development. In the story, I can be the hero. Now, Let's start my story.

This is the year 1898, and my mane is Mycroft Pound. The Whitechapel Killer attacks people with a long knife, and six women are dead because of him. That is terrible. And then I found the woman who is lying in the street. She is very ill. There are the bicycle tracks on the road. Then, this is the first choose time. I can follow the bicycle tracks or go into the Rose and Crown which is the bar near here to talk to the people there. And I choose the last one. Then, I talk to the old woman there, and she knows that ill woman. Her name is Annie, she lives in Cable Street. I decided to go to that street. Then, I found Annie’s house there. There is a woman and she teaches me about Annie. I can understand that Annie has best friend names Rosy, and boyfriend. I can choose again. Back or go. I go to Limehouse Street where Rosy lives. My choice is correct, so I can meet Rosy soon. I talk about Annie, and Rosy cry. And she teaches to me about Annie’s boy friend; Jack. But that is my first mistake. I can’t find Jack because Jack is sailor, and there are a lot of Jack in the London docks.
I must go back to Annie’s house to gather more information. In Annie’s house, I find a letter from Jack. It says that “Tomorrow my ship is going to India. Please meet me at the Rose and Crown tonight. I have something very important for you.” I can understand that the Whitechapel Killer is him! And I can know her boyfriend’s ship. The ship name is Californian. I turn to London ducks again. But there are a lot of ships, so it is difficult for me to find the Whitechapel Killer’s ship. So I ask the people where is Californian. And finally, I can find that ship. But in the ship, there are three Jack! I must choose one in the tree. I mistake two times, and last one is the Whitechapel Killer. He say he don’t know about Annie, but in his pocket, there is a knife which on blood. I catch him with the captain help. And I take him off the ship and give him to the police.

The affair is solved. It was very difficult, and it takes long time. It just likes sugoroku! I like this type of books.

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BR-10: April in Moscow

I read the book titled “April in Moscow” It is a dancer’s story. I am interested in dance, so I thought I want read this book. Now, I am going to talk about this story.

The heroine in this story is April Fox. She works for the British Dance Company in Leeds. And her boss is Maria Grant. April has a friend names Laura. One day, Maria talked about good news. The news is her dance company can go to Russia to participate the Russian dance party. April and Laura was glad to hear that news.

Six weeks later, they leave Britain and go to Russia. On the plane, April and Laura talk about Moscow. They are both very happy. They are looking forward to see the famous places. At the hotel, Laura watches TV, but April is not listening to TV or Laura. She is looking out of the window. Next day, the dancers work very hard. After lesson, April and Laura go to a café and drink Russian tea. They talk about where they go next, and they decided to go to The Pushkin Museum. In the street near the museum, there is a small market. And then, they meet two men who can speak English. The two names Nikolai and Sasha. Those guys invited April and Laura to go to the country. So they go to the country together. And then, April and Sasha fall in love each other. But she is a dancer, so she has to go back to Moscow to enter the dance party. She parted from him in the country.

She comes back to Moscow, and enters the dance party. She dance without thinking about Sasha. She succeeded. And then, Sasha appears in front of April, and gives a note to her. It is Sasha’s address. They promise to meet again.

It is not only dance story but also love story. It was a good story, I think. But a long distance love is very difficult!!

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BR-9: Marcel goes to HOLLYWOOD

I read the book titled “Marcel goes to HOLLYWOOD”
A little before, I read this Marcel series book. I don’t like that story but I think the book which I have read is easy to read. So I rent this book.
In this book, the hero is Marcel as well as the book I read before. Now, I would like to talk about this story.

Marcel has a girlfriend names Celine, and they are French mice. Do you remember Marcel’s job? Yes, he is a detective. One summer, they went to Los Angels on holiday. It is very interesting that mice ride on the plane and trip abroad.
They arrived at Los Angels, they went to their hotel. And when they took a little rest in their room, Marcel hears a noise. He and Celine go upstairs to the kitchen. And then, he found a note on the wall. That says “We have the girl. Don’t go to the police. Be in your office tomorrow morning at 10. We have the telephone number.” It was kidnappers threatening letter. The parents of the girl who was kidnapped read the note, too. They are surprising and scared. The father’s name is Arnold, and the mother’s name is Claudia. Arnold goes his office following the kidnapper’s memo. Marcel and Celine follow Arnold, too. At the Arnold’s office, he walks up and down. He doesn’t become composed because his telephone isn’t ringing. 10 minutes later, the telephone rings.
The kidnapper’s demands are one million dollars and bring it to the room 309 on the Queen Mary. Arnold does these things as the kidnappers say. But they demand that bring more money. At one point, the kidnappers go back to their hiding place with one million dollars in bag. Marcel and Celine get in this bag. In their hiding place, Marcel and Celine are waiting the chance. When kidnappers fall asleep, Marcel takes a telephone and call to police. Then, because of this action, the child is free and kidnappers are cached. That is the end of this story.

It was a happy ending! I like this story than the story I read before. Marcel is brave mouse. But I think it is hard to happen some accidents wherever Marcel goes.

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

BR-8: Robin Hood

I read the book titled “Robin Hood”
I think this is very famous story in the world. It is remake by Disney, so I have seen this movie. In this book, the story shows with cartoons. It is very easy to read. I like adventure story. Now, I would like to talk about this story

The hero in this story is of course Robin Hood. And he has some subordinates, for example, there are Little John and Friar Tuck. Robin conceals lives and conceals in Sherwood Forest. And there are more men doing the same thing to him. Robin attacked the priests who are greedy and the noblemen who are wealth. He takes much money from these people, and he gives them to the poor. He helps the people who groan and suffer under misgovernment. He is a brave and kind man.

As I said before, this story is very famous one in the world. It was made in century of 12 or 13 in Britain. And it is promoted in various situations. Whenever, people like hero. Hero is very clever, kind, brave, and cool. I like hero as well. In those days, there is no hero in Japan, I think. We need hero because it is a very hard world we live in. Come on hero! And please help us from this hard world!

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Don't you think it is pretty cute voice!?

This song is the theme song of the movie titled "PONYO on the cliff" This film will be shown for the first time on 19th July. It is made of STUDIO GHIBLI. GHIBLI's movies are one of the most famous and loved movies in the world. Also I am a big fan of them since I was a junior high school student. I feel the impression of their movies change every time I watch the movies. I can understand how I grow with the change of impressions.

There are some famous film directers in this company. Above all, I like the movies directed by Hayao Miyazaki. I think he is a genius. He seems that he knows how to captivate his audiences. What do you like movies in GHIBLI? They have a lot of excellent films. This film "PONYO in the Cliff" also will become the excellent one! I can't wait for the PONYOOOOO!!

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Monday, July 7, 2008

What I think about blogging

I think to post the blog is very good activities, because I can know a lot of things that what I did each day. And to see my friends’ blog, I can know about what they did recently. Also, to post blog is to write sentences a lot. It is very good for us. I think that I can write sentences smoothly than before. And to layout needs sense. As I see the other class’s friends’ blog, they make their blog so cute. I wonder when they learn how to layout. Anyway, blog is fan.

[95 words]

I'm Full!

I went to the restaurant of Japanese okonomiyaki; a seafood or meat and vegetable pancake with my friend. Someone say it is difficult to overturn it to be well done. But I am good at it. My friend made a little mistake for it, so it has lost its circle shape. Of course I did better than her(^ω^)! I ate okonomiyaki after a long time, but it is very delicious!

We ordered not only okonomiyaki but also takoyaki. Right in our meal, we notice that we make too many orders. We can’t ear so much carbohydrate! The restaurant manager was very kind man, so he suggested that taking back leftovers. But we are already enough, so we don’t want see the food anymore. We felt sorry, and we got out the restaurant. We learned that don’t order too much without thinking our stomach. Even so, it was good!

[150 words]

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Essay-6: Self Introduction

The Fireworks in the Night of July!

Hi, guys :)How was your weekend?
I had a nice time in last weekend. Now I would like to talk about my holiday.
5th July, I went to Amakusa with my three friends. I like to drive, so I enjoyed very much.
On our way to Amakusa'sea, we went to Amakusa-mura. I came there once when I was a child. There is a statue of Shiro Amakusa. Shiro Amakusa is very famous person on Japanese history. Some historical books says he is very handsome man, but as far as I see the statue, I didn’t think so, ha-ha!
When we arrived at the sea, we can see the view of a beautiful sunset. It was great.
Then, after come the evening, we started to play sparklers. It was fan.
I like to drive to somewhere, and it is my how to relax. I want to drive to Amakusa again. Take me faraway!!
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Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I like to color! Now, I am trying to obtain certification of color coordinator. I thought it needs the study of art, but it needs chemically study. I hate chemistry very much! So it is very hard for me.

I like to draw pictures, take photos, and decollate something. I wanted to go to an art school. When I was high school third grade student, I thought seriously which way I should choose; English or art. Now, I like to study English very much, so I am never sorry about what I choose. KGU is very nice school, and there are a lot of friends of mine. In addition, I can draw pictures with going to university. Now, I have to study not only English but also art. That is nice. I have a lot of things to do in my university life. I don’t want to regret that what I did. So I have to do my best for my dream.

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

BR-7: The Clowns with Frowns Parade

I read the book titled “The Clowns With Frowns Parade.”
This book is the easiest book I have ever read in this year. The numbers of words are 291. Oh, my god! I took the time to read this book for 2 minutes.
Now, I am going to talk about the story.

There are a lot of colorful clowns in this story. Bront said to Beaver “Come on! There is a parade in town today. It’s a good parade. It has a lot of clowns. I want to see all the crowns.” And then, Beaver and Bronto went to town to see the clowns in the parade. There are clowns who are frowning, so Bronto wanted to ask why they are so. And the clowns all said “It is not a good day for me. I am sad.” Then, Bronto found another clown in the town. And he asks to him “Are you also sad?” But that clown said “I am not sad,” with the big red shoes. And he also said “The frown is painted on my face. All the clowns have frowns painted on their faces today.”

That was the end of this story. The clowns’ make makes me sad, I think. In my room, there are a lot of figures of clowns. They all painted face, and they are all sadly. But I like clowns.

[239 words]

All About My Keitai

Keitai is very important thing for me. If I forget to bring this to school or anywhere, I feel very helpless. That means keitai is my important part. But when is that start that we all have keitai? It is mystery. My keitai has a big memory. It has photos, mails, movies, and so on. That is like my diary. In addition, keitai is useful as a watch. It is not a battery-run clock, it is very crrect anytime and anywhere. It is another keitai's good point. Because of them, there is few people who have a wristwatch. As same as the computers, there are both of good points and bad points. But I think keitai will be more useful from now on.

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Using the computer, good points and bad points

I am using the computer everyday. This is very convenience to get a lot of information and do my home works. In those days, I think the over half people in Japan have a computer. That means the computer became a very important part for this world. But I think there are some bad points for us to use computers. Make sentences by the typing on the computer, we don't need write letters by ourselves. That is a problem. Because of this, I am not good at write letters and remember Japanese-kanji. That is not good.

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