Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Last Teenager

Twenty years of age is just aroud the corner!!
I'm the last teenager now!!

I wonder my nineteen years was good thing?
I don't know but I wish it.

Oh, I became slightly sentimental....

Now! I pland it!

10 things that I want to do till Twenty years of age comes!!
Let's go!

1, Get into the habit of getting up early
2, Buy a new pair of shoes
3, Watch my language
4, Go to some live concert
5, When I get a email, I should answer this
6, Listen to all JUDY AND MARY's song again
7, Clean my room
8, Buy a pretty dress
9, Watch movies once a week
10, ......! (The last one is secret!)

Is that all? I think I will be able to do those things after I become twenty, ha-ha! But it's O.K. isn't it?

You should try it :)

[158 words]

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