Sunday, June 15, 2008

Essay-5 My History of Learning Languages

I have been studying languages for a long long time. Maybe since I was a baby, my history of learning languages has begun. Now I would like to talk about my history of languages.

When did I start learning languages? I don't know precisely, but I think it is very long time ago. To say exaggeratedly, I start learning Japanese when I was inside of mother. I think mother is my first teacher of languages. Mother talk to me, and I hear that. That is study. Of course father is teacher as well. So that people around me when I was a child is very important for learning languages. Thanks to those people, most of children who are 5 years old can speak one language at least. So did I. And, I think the language teacher is not only people. TV program, books, songs and all things around me are the teacher. I learned language from a lot of things.

As I grow up, my language teachers are increase. When I started to go to elementary school, there were many people I have ever met. For example, school teachers and classmates. I could talk with many people. And I could learn language not only by talking with people but also by taking classes. I think that was the start of studying in earnest.
But from this period, I learned bad words very much. We can't learn language without bad words. When I used bad words, my mother and father scolded me. Now I don't use bad words much, but I know a nimber of bad words like "sh×t!"

After graduation from elementary school, I started to go to junior high school, and I started learn about language besides my mother's tongue; Japanese. I have been studying English since that time till now. English is very different from Japanese. Grammar and pronunciation were so difficult for me of those days. It is not mother's tongue, so I could learn English from only school teacher and textbooks. But my father learn English from many Western music and songs.
Things that I feel with studying English is Japanese is more very important than any languages for me. Because without understanding Japanese, I can't undersatnd English or others. To
express is so difficult, so I have to know a lot of words to express.

Now I am learning four languages in KGU; Japanese, English, Spanish, and Chinese. I think the base of study of languages is my own mother's tongue. I have been studying Japanese for about twenty years, but there is a lot of things that I never know. That is mysterious. But to learn languages is very interesting! I think there is no study that more interesting than languages.

[467 words]

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