Monday, June 30, 2008

BR-6:The Nutcracker

I read the book titled "The Nutcracker"
It is a fairy tale. And this is a story of Christmas. It is a very simple story, so as I read this book, I understand the continuation of the story. I think it is easy to read. Now, I am going to talk about the story.

The main character is a girl named Clara. The day was a Christmas eve, so she was very looking forward to Christmas presents. There is a big Christmas tree and the present will be under the tree. As Clara had too much expectation for presents, she slept under the tree. There was a doll of nutcracker.

When she got up, things which were in her room became big and big! But the things didn’t become big, but she became small. Clara was very surprised about that. At that time, the nutcracker got up at front of Clara, and said “I am the prince of nutcrackers.” Then, the two started a adventure and they overcome some dangers. Then they had a good relationship, she woke up in her bed. She was dreaming, and came back to a reality. That the wend of this story. Do you think it is a very simple story?
[215 words]

Trip to INDIA!

I want to go to India very much!
Here is my plan for trip to India. I wish I could run this plan someday...!

Let's go to India!

First, I wake up in 7:30 a.m. I can’t get ready faster, so I have to wake up early in the morning. Today's plan is to go the Taj Mahall. At 8:30, I go to the restaurant in the hotel where I am staying at an inn to eat breakfast. Then, after the meal, I leave the hotel and get into a long-distance bus to go to the Taj Mahall. The time is 9:00 now. It takes 8 hours. We will arrive there at 17:00. So I enjoy Indian scenery and sightseeing from the inside of bus. On our way to Taj Mahall, we have lunch. The lunch is curry on naan. Naan is easy to take outside. It is perfect for lunch! After lunch, we start running toward today’s goal. Then, at 16:30, we finally arrive at the Taj Mahall. It is earlier than my plan. Taj Mahall in the sunset is the most beautiful in this world. I want to be here all the time, but I have no time to do so. At 17:30, I have to leave the Taj Mahall. It is very short time, but I enjoyed every bit of there. We hurry to get a bus, we go back to hotel in Delhi.

That is all! It is very fan!!

[254 words]

My favorite Movie or Movies

I love to watch movies very much. I can watch any country's movies; Japanese, Korean, British, American movies, and more. Especially, I like British movies. I think people who live in Japan and Britain have very similar characters. So British human drama is very easy to see and understand for me. On the other side, movies that made in Italy and France are difficult to understand for me. So I don't like these movies. In addition, I like movie's sound tracks very much. When I watch the movies, sound tracks is very important point.

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Foreign Countries

I am interested in foreign countries very much. I have been to two foreign countries. The one was Singapore, and the other was Malaysia. Those experiences were my high school trip. These two countries had a lot of differences to Japan, and I was surprised and had a lot if fan. I want to visit many foreign countries more. I think after I visit there, I become cleverer than now. The first country where I want to visit is Britain. Because I like history very much, and Britain has many old histories. I hope I can go there in the near future.

[102 words]

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Link to ...!


I like this post the best! This is Chie M's blog. I don't know about Chie well, but I think we have a common point. That is the reason why I chose the post.
What is our common point? She have a friend of her in the U.S. and I have a friend there, too.
Chie misses the days of her hung out with her friend and she want to see her. I want to do the thing as well, but the U.S. is very far from Japan. So it is difficult for us to see our friends.
Friends are very important!

Monday, June 23, 2008

My Twenty Years!

Thank you
my family
and friends!

I reached at
my 20 years!

Hi, guys! How was your weekend?I spend special days in last weekend because 22nd June was my twenties birthday.
On 21st, that was Saturday, I was celebrated by my friends of KGU; Saori, Shiori, and Sanae. That day, we had no classes because it was Saturday. So I thought it was difficult for us to get together. If that day was an ordinary day, it was easy to get together because we all have classes. But they came to see me. I was very happy for only the thing. I thought the day’s plan was only having dinner with them, but they were with me till the next morning. So I am going to talk about the day’s occurrences.

We went to kitchen-Ku to have dinner. We eat, talk, and laugh there. Then, I went to rest room. And after I went back to our table, the three started to sing a birthday song for me. I was surprised. And then, they took out a present from their bag and give it to me. I opened it immediately, and the present was a necklace. I was very very happy for it. At that time, Sanae got out the restaurant because her mom asked to come. It was a mid-night, and it was danger to go out the city for only, so Shiori went out with Sanae. At that time, I never had doubts about their action. After the meal, Saori and I went to game center to get together with the two again. We played there a little. After that, we went to internet-café. Then we go to karaoke and sung songs.
It was maybe 11:40 p.m. My twenties birthday was just around the corner! When the clock said twelve, the tree sent happy birthday mail to me even we were close. And they took out another present and birthday cake!! I was surprised too much and I wept with joy to this surprise. They were all laughing to see my weeping face. But I wonder when they bought this cake. So I asked them “when did you bring this cake?” They answered “You never became aware? Sanae and Shiori get out the restaurant to buy this cake.” Hey, hey guys, I cannot think such a thing! I spent the greatest night on my birthday eve.

On 22nd June, this is my birthday, my family cerebrated me to take the place of my friends. My father has thought how cerebrate my birthday since the beginning of June. My order brother calls up his girlfriend. So father, mother, brother and his girlfriend, and I went to the Japanese restaurant to have dinner. It was very nice. My brother and his girlfriend give a present to me. I have really taken to this present. After the meal, we came back to our home. Then my mother brings the birthday cake for me. I ate cakes for two days running ;p

I am a happy girl. I am loved by my family and friends. Oh, and I should say "thank you" for friends who sent birthday mail for me. Any way, I reached my twenty years. Nice to meet you all!!

[539 words]

Part-Time Joooobs!!

Today, I do two part-time jobs. One is the shop sales doughnuts, the other is receptionist with telephone in TV studio. I like both of jobs even wages are not high. At the doughnuts shop, we eat doughnuts in free, so it is easy to grow fat...! But doughnuts are very delicious. My friend of this shop gained four kilograms from before she started to work here, ha-ha! It is terror!! The people who work at this shop are all kind. They are good people. So I can’t quit this work.

The other one, at TV studio job, I can meet a lot of professional. Their jobs served as for me. A short time ago, the Mayor of Kumamoto came to the studio. I couldn’t talk to him of course, but I listened to his speech a lot. This is very rare experience.
Call to YUUGATA-ICHIBAN! Perhaps I answer you.

[150 words]

Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Other Classes!

I want to study English more. But I don’t know how to study English well. Now I study English everyday and everyday, and I think I can read, listen, and write English better than who don’t study it everyday. The problem is I am not good at speaking English well. I want to speak it fluently very much, so I’m trying to talk in English a little. And how to study that I like is to watch movies in English. That is very good study.

[86 words]

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How I study English

I want to study English more. But I don’t know how to study English well. Now I study English everyday and everyday, and I think I can read, listen, and write English better than who don’t study it everyday. The problem is I am not good at speaking English well. I want to speak it fluently very much, so I’m trying to talk in English a little. And how to study that I like is to watch movies in English. That is very good study.

[85 words]

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


It is a nice title, isn't it?
It has a strain, and I wanted to read it.
Now, I am going to talk about this book.

This book is not ordinary book. We can choose the scene by our own thought. If I did a miss choice, I die on this story. Main character is myself. Can I survive?

I am in a small plane, going across the Rocky Mountains. Then, suddenly the engine was broken and the plane begins to go down into one of the mountains. I turn to the left and land on the snow. I am safe. I take the coat, the bananas, and the sigarette lighters from my plane. It is a good choice. I can go down the mountains because of those things. In addition, I can go down very smoothly part of the way to the ground. But when I feel hanger, I eat some strange fruit. That is a mistake! The fruit is poisonous. I feel ill, and sit down in the snow. I get colder and colder. This is gameover. I died.

I can read this book with the sense of game. It has fan.

[206 words]

Sunday, June 15, 2008


I read this book; The Tale of Peter Rabbit.
This is one of the most famous book in this world. I think there is a lot of people who loves Peter Rabbit. I am a big fan of this story as well. When I was 17 years old, my friend gave this book as a birthday present. It was very nice present.
Now, I'm going to talk about the story.

The characters are Four little rabbits, and their names are Flospy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter. And their mother, and Mr. and Mrs. McGregor. Peter is the hero in this story.

The four rabbits were told their mother to go down the lane to gather blackberries. She said also don't go to Mr. McGregor's garden. If you go there, you'll be put into a pie by Mrs. McGregor. The three aspect Peter were good bunnies, so they did as mother said. But Peter, who was very naughty, ran straight away to Mr. McGregor's garden. And then, Mr. McGrefor found Peter, and he tried to catch him. So Peter run away from him, he was into danger some times. Finally, Peter could get back home, but he was very tired and decided not to go to Mr. McGregor's garden.

I think Peter is same to elementary school children. They are full of curiosity, but once they in danger, they start crying with calling their mother or father. So, if we read this book, we can feel a sense of closeness to Peter. I think this is the reason why Peter Rabbit is popular in this world.

[274 words]

Essay-5 My History of Learning Languages

I have been studying languages for a long long time. Maybe since I was a baby, my history of learning languages has begun. Now I would like to talk about my history of languages.

When did I start learning languages? I don't know precisely, but I think it is very long time ago. To say exaggeratedly, I start learning Japanese when I was inside of mother. I think mother is my first teacher of languages. Mother talk to me, and I hear that. That is study. Of course father is teacher as well. So that people around me when I was a child is very important for learning languages. Thanks to those people, most of children who are 5 years old can speak one language at least. So did I. And, I think the language teacher is not only people. TV program, books, songs and all things around me are the teacher. I learned language from a lot of things.

As I grow up, my language teachers are increase. When I started to go to elementary school, there were many people I have ever met. For example, school teachers and classmates. I could talk with many people. And I could learn language not only by talking with people but also by taking classes. I think that was the start of studying in earnest.
But from this period, I learned bad words very much. We can't learn language without bad words. When I used bad words, my mother and father scolded me. Now I don't use bad words much, but I know a nimber of bad words like "sh×t!"

After graduation from elementary school, I started to go to junior high school, and I started learn about language besides my mother's tongue; Japanese. I have been studying English since that time till now. English is very different from Japanese. Grammar and pronunciation were so difficult for me of those days. It is not mother's tongue, so I could learn English from only school teacher and textbooks. But my father learn English from many Western music and songs.
Things that I feel with studying English is Japanese is more very important than any languages for me. Because without understanding Japanese, I can't undersatnd English or others. To
express is so difficult, so I have to know a lot of words to express.

Now I am learning four languages in KGU; Japanese, English, Spanish, and Chinese. I think the base of study of languages is my own mother's tongue. I have been studying Japanese for about twenty years, but there is a lot of things that I never know. That is mysterious. But to learn languages is very interesting! I think there is no study that more interesting than languages.

[467 words]

Friday, June 13, 2008

Live Concert!

Do you know RIZE?
This is Japanese rock band.

Today, they came to Kumamoto and hold a live concert at B-9.
I didn't know well about this band, but my friend was a big fan of them and she invited me to go to their concert.

B-9 is a live-house. Its area is as same as a schoolroom, so player is very close to us.
My friend and I were the third row. That was very excited!!
Listeners were all crazy! They shouted, jostled one another, stepped on my foot. It was just like a jam-packed train! I was a little short of oxygen.

I didn't know their songs and I couldn't sing their songs. But I enjoyed their music very much.
I had a good experience there.

Aaaand, I met Takashi S there! He was also excited because he shaked hands with that band's vocalist!

After the live concert, I was very tired....

[160 words]

Monday, June 9, 2008

I Have a Guest!

My aunt Eiko came to my home, yay! I love her, so I am very happy to see her.
Aunt Eiko is my mother's sister. Aunt Eiko's voice is very similar to my mother's. Her how to laugh is same to my mother's. It's very interesting and I like it.

Aunt Eiko is going to go back home tomorrow, so I wanna talk to her about lots of things today.
But she is saying "I'm sleepy" now. O.K, you can go to bed. I'll talk you tomorrow morning!

[88 words]

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Last Teenager

Twenty years of age is just aroud the corner!!
I'm the last teenager now!!

I wonder my nineteen years was good thing?
I don't know but I wish it.

Oh, I became slightly sentimental....

Now! I pland it!

10 things that I want to do till Twenty years of age comes!!
Let's go!

1, Get into the habit of getting up early
2, Buy a new pair of shoes
3, Watch my language
4, Go to some live concert
5, When I get a email, I should answer this
6, Listen to all JUDY AND MARY's song again
7, Clean my room
8, Buy a pretty dress
9, Watch movies once a week
10, ......! (The last one is secret!)

Is that all? I think I will be able to do those things after I become twenty, ha-ha! But it's O.K. isn't it?

You should try it :)

[158 words]

Monday, June 2, 2008

Rainy Season....

I hate rainy day. We have a lot of rain on June in Japan.
The rainy season is just around the corner.
I hate rainy day. I wish summer come soon for me!

[33 words]