Tuesday, June 30, 2009

BR:9 More Macdonals

I read the book titled “More Mcdonalds.” The reason why I choose this book is, the book seems very funny. But it is not funny than I expect it. Now I am going to talk about this story.
The main characters were Macdonald Family. The father decided to rebuild their house because kids become big, so their house is too small for them. There are twins names Mouse and Jojo. And both of them wants a new bedroom each other. But they don’t hand over. One day, the hamster which they keep at the twins’ room is likely dying. Twins are all hasty and call their parents. But the hamster is not dying but it is having babies. The hamster has 4 babies and twins are glad to it very much. The father rebuilds house for these hamsters in twins room. So, twins want to stay their room!
That is the whole story of this book. I thought it is not funny much, and I hate hamsters. But I want new bedroom!

[172 words]

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