Friday, June 5, 2009

BR:05 Camping Adventure

I read the book named "Camping Adventure." Its title is very nice and the cover is pretty.
There is a commonly family in the story, and they went to farm to do camping. In this farm, there is Mr. Jones; he is a farmer. The family went to the tent, and ate the supper. And then they went to their bed. But there came storm, so two children couldn't sleep. Then, they went to Mr. Jones' house. Mrs. Jones was expecting a baby. She was expecting it soon, so at midnight, the baby was coming. They tried to go to the hospital but storm got worse. They couldn't get past, so they went back to the house. But the baby was coming, and they need help. They called the hospital to get a helicopter. But when the helicopter came their house, it's too late. Mrs. Jones already has had the baby! They were all surprised and happy.
That is the story. It is very good book.


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