Saturday, June 6, 2009


I read this book titled "SALLY'S PHONE."
The heroine is Sally. She goes about with Andrew. Andrew is very autocrat for Sally. In this story, she and he always talk by phone. Andrew didn't hear Sally, and he cut the phone after he talks what he wants to say. He always says to her only "Do this, do that, go there, don't go there." That is not good.
One day, Sally met a nice guy named Paul. Paul thinks that Sally is nice girl as well. As their mistake, Sally took Paul’s phone, and Paul took Sally's phone. They were in trouble, but because of this mistake, they met again. Finally, Sally became to like Paul, and she never call Andrew.
That is end.I think this story is not interesting. What is about Andrew!? Sally is not nice girl :( Is this American-style? I don't know.
[157 words]

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