Friday, July 31, 2009

my favorite....

Hi everyone! How are you doing!? Today, I would like to introduce about her...aiko!!! She is Japanese singer-songwriter and I am a big fan of her. She is now 34 years old, but she seems to be younger than her real age. I like her songs and her pleasant personality. Aiko write a lot of love songs that we all can have sympathy. And she has very lovely voice, and she is good at singing. I always sing her songs when I go to Karaoke with friends of mine. As I said before, she wrote a lot of songs, and among of all those songs, I like the song titled “瞳” means “the pupil if an eye”. This song is also love song, but it is not love between boys and girls but between mother and daughter. That is my best favorite song. First I heard the song, I cried. And there were my mother, with hearing the song I looked at my mother, then her also cried. It gives us a lot of impressive.
This summer aiko hold her concert all around Japan. And next month she will come to Fukuoka. So I just want to go to her concert! I am very looking forward to it.
I like her fashion, too. She always wears the old fashion clothes. And those are all lovely. I want her to start up her own fashion brand. If it comes true, I will be a big fan of that brand as well.

That is all for today, thank you for your reading. And please hear the song; “瞳”!

[281 words]



fashion is very imprtant.
it is very funny things to know one's persona.

sasha said...

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