Friday, July 24, 2009

Hi, everyone. How about your tests? I have only four tests in this term. So it is easier than last year. Today, my friend started on a trip to New Zeeland. I wanted to go to airport to see off her, but I have a part-time job, so I couldn’t go there. I am little miss her already, but that is not good for me. I have a lot thing that I have to do in Japan this year, so I have to hang on. Oh, I started my new part-time job in the down town. I am a telephone operator. But that job is very difficult for me. Former, I work at local TV station, and I did my job with many professionals. That experience was very precious and good for me. But my new job is not fun for me…. After my job, I always have a bad headache. But I will be a working member of society almost 2 years later, so I have not to complain easily. That office gives us high payment! That is good point of this job. As I said before, in this summer I am going to go to Okinawa with my circle member, so I need a lot of money. To work is hard! Keep on trying, Tomoko!!
And I want to say that word to my friend who go to big trip as well!

[244 words]

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