Tuesday, June 30, 2009

BR:9 More Macdonals

I read the book titled “More Mcdonalds.” The reason why I choose this book is, the book seems very funny. But it is not funny than I expect it. Now I am going to talk about this story.
The main characters were Macdonald Family. The father decided to rebuild their house because kids become big, so their house is too small for them. There are twins names Mouse and Jojo. And both of them wants a new bedroom each other. But they don’t hand over. One day, the hamster which they keep at the twins’ room is likely dying. Twins are all hasty and call their parents. But the hamster is not dying but it is having babies. The hamster has 4 babies and twins are glad to it very much. The father rebuilds house for these hamsters in twins room. So, twins want to stay their room!
That is the whole story of this book. I thought it is not funny much, and I hate hamsters. But I want new bedroom!

[172 words]


It is rainy season. I know....
It rained in torrents today, and my clothes were dripping.
I hate rainy season!

[20 words]

Thursday, June 25, 2009


My father brought a lot of old moneys from my late grandmother's house. There was currency which was no longer used. These were made, the oldest one, in "Taisho-jidai". The name of nation was "Dainippon", not "Nihon". Sentences were written from right to left, not left to right like now. It was very interesting. Some of them were made in the time of WWⅡ. These money survived the war just like men. I think it's precious.
To find history from old things is my pleasure.

[87 words]

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Humid Day!

Today is really humid day, isn't it!? I think it is a Kumamoto's original climate. Every year, when the rainy season come, I am tormented by this climate. My friend who comes Kumamoto from another prefecture was surprised at Kumamoto's climate. She said "What is the whether? I have never gone through such a humid day!" Mmm, I always think so every year.

I don't like rainy day. These days, after we have rain, it become more hot and humid than usual and I feel it is hard to spend days outdoors. I wish the rainy season have been over as soon as possible, and then summer come, yay! I love summer the best in the four seasons. I can't help waiting summer!

[128 words]

Happy my 21th Birthday!

22nd June, this day is my birthday. I leached my 21st years old. And today, my KGU friends celebrated my birthday!

There are some surprising for me. We went to Ishihara(石原) which is my favorite bar. All of dishes are very delicious there, and prices are very cheep. So I like this bar the best. We ate and ate, and then my friends gave me a lovely present and happy birthday card! I was very surprised at this present, and I was very happy for that. After we got out this bar, we go to Tsutaya to take some Purikura. I thought that we close this party soon, but friends said “we want drink little more! So we went to Pronto to drink cocktail. We enjoyed drinking and talking there, but present which they prevented for me didn’t over yet. Suddenly they started singing a happy birthday song, and they gave me a special birthday cake! I was very very happy and I really thank for them.
I had a grate time today. I love my friends! Thank you!

[199 words]

Monday, June 22, 2009


Today was my 21th birthday! Tommorow my friends hold a birthday party for me. I am really looking for tommorow★

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

BR:8 Kng of the Go-Kart Track

I read the book titled “KING of the GO-KART TRACK.” The reason why I choose this book is simple. It seems easy to read, and cover is lovely. Now, I am going to talk about this book.
The main characters are King Family. Mother names Anna get the free ticket of the new go-kart track as a prize of the marathon race. She won the race. Family is very pleased at it, but daughter names Tessa is not happy because she don’t like car racing. The son names Ben is very looking forward to it. Then, they went to the go-kart track. The result of race was very fun. The winner was Tessa who don’t like car racing. I am sorry about Ben, but it is funny.
I like go-kart very much. And I become want to go to go-kart track!
I like this book.

[155 words]

Monday, June 15, 2009

I have to....

I have to do a part-time job!!! Because I don't have much money for next summer vacation!!! Now I am a 3rd grade student in the university, so I have to do job huntings, so next summer vacation is last chance to travel to somewhere! I need money!


Thursday, June 11, 2009


This week, I was very busy because I have to prepare for a presentation. I made resume and manuscript. Then today, I did the presentation at the class. I was very worry about this public performance, but I did my best. After this class over, I think my presentation was nice. And I checked my mail-box, the teacher in this class sent me a email, and that said my presentation is very good. I was happy when I check this email!

[81 words]

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I read the book titled "escape!" That was very funny story.The main character is a young man who is in a prison as a thief. But he is innocence, so he wants to escape from this prison and he tried. On the way to his escape, he needs some clothes and some tools. So he steals from people things what he needs. And then, he becomes a real thief. He is very stupid. And that was really funny story.


Monday, June 8, 2009


I'm hungryyyyy(*´Д`)
BUT I will get fat if I eat something at midnight....Why am I so hungry? I don't know.

Have sweet dreams....


Saturday, June 6, 2009


I read this book titled "SALLY'S PHONE."
The heroine is Sally. She goes about with Andrew. Andrew is very autocrat for Sally. In this story, she and he always talk by phone. Andrew didn't hear Sally, and he cut the phone after he talks what he wants to say. He always says to her only "Do this, do that, go there, don't go there." That is not good.
One day, Sally met a nice guy named Paul. Paul thinks that Sally is nice girl as well. As their mistake, Sally took Paul’s phone, and Paul took Sally's phone. They were in trouble, but because of this mistake, they met again. Finally, Sally became to like Paul, and she never call Andrew.
That is end.I think this story is not interesting. What is about Andrew!? Sally is not nice girl :( Is this American-style? I don't know.
[157 words]

Friday, June 5, 2009

BR:05 Camping Adventure

I read the book named "Camping Adventure." Its title is very nice and the cover is pretty.
There is a commonly family in the story, and they went to farm to do camping. In this farm, there is Mr. Jones; he is a farmer. The family went to the tent, and ate the supper. And then they went to their bed. But there came storm, so two children couldn't sleep. Then, they went to Mr. Jones' house. Mrs. Jones was expecting a baby. She was expecting it soon, so at midnight, the baby was coming. They tried to go to the hospital but storm got worse. They couldn't get past, so they went back to the house. But the baby was coming, and they need help. They called the hospital to get a helicopter. But when the helicopter came their house, it's too late. Mrs. Jones already has had the baby! They were all surprised and happy.
That is the story. It is very good book.



This is my favorite movie; BIG FISH. This movie has a lot of theme. This is a love story, a fairy tale, and also human drama. The director of this film is Tim Burton. I feel his movie is all mysterious and I like his unique view of the world. Now, I would talk about this story.

There is a commonly family, and a son got married to pretty woman. They all seem happy but there is one problem. The father and son don't get along with each other. The father loves prattle, so he always wants to talk about story of his youth days. The son hates this story, so he is disgusted at his father. The mother and his wife sad for it, but there is no sign of getting along with each other. The story of the father's youth days is just like fairy tale. That is very romantic and funny story. The father was a hero in his youth. He met many strange people; a giant, witch, poet who lives in strange town, and his wife. His story is all unbelievable. The father has a sick, so he seems to not live longer. The mother and his wife want the son to make up with his father.
Sad to say, making up each other is just before the father's death. Just before father’s death, father wants to hear a continuation of his story. And the son try to talk a story, and the story was very wonderful one. The son cared for father’s deathbed.

That is very moving story and I love it very much. I want you to watch this movie!

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