Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

May 10, today is mother's day. I always thank to my mother everyday.

In Japan, it is very common thing to give carnations to mother. Every year, I give this flower to her, too. These are my carnations and my dog.

Mmm.... IT'S SO LOVELY!!

My brother also gives her carnations.
Our mother seemed so happy because of these presents.
And I cooked this night's dinner for my mother; I cooked a hamburger with sauce. That was very nice. Not only mother was happy also my father.
I can't tell my grateful to mother only words.
There is no more thing that I want to say about mother's day....
Oh, the flower shop where I bought this carnation is my favorite shop; named T's garden. There are lots of lovely flower and household goods, and prices are comparatively low. This shop is near my house, so if you want to go to this shop, I will guide.

I like flowers very much. I want to make my garden full of flowers!
[170 words]

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