Friday, May 29, 2009


Today I would like to talk about my favorite activities. I like to play the piano.
I think I am good at playing the piano, and I am a nice player. When I was elementary school 2nd grade student, I started to learn the piano at my neighboring house. Before I go to the first lesson, we all don’t know whether I can continue the piano, my father bought me the piano. Mother was surprised. But I was very glad to buy the piano.

Once I went to the lesson, I was absorbed in the piano. I was making gradual progress in my piano. My teacher said that I was the best player of her students. My mother was glad to hear that. And I was as well.

Four years were passed from my first lesson, I started to go to junior high school. I belonged to brass band club and I played the clarinet. Since then, I found the happiness of play with other people, so I was completely absorbed in club activities. My lessons of piano were decrease because of the club. One day, I talked to my mother to I want to quit the piano. Mother and Father didn’t agree with my decision, but I quit it.

Now I think about that decision calmly, it is bad decision for me. I liked to play the piano, and I want to make progress more and more. What one likes, one will do best. This is Japanese teaching. Also, I feel sorry for my father and mother. They expected me to succeed. And I wanted to answer their expectation. But now, I am playing the piano in my own style. I taught myself. It is also good, and my parents like my piano not changing from before I quit the lesson of piano. My father says me “I like your piano, and to listen to your piano is my special pleasure.” I cannot help playing the piano when I listen to such statements.

Now, I am trying to compose my own music. If you want to listen to them, you should come to my home!

[366 words]

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lovely Paddington Bear!


Do you know this Padington Bear? Maybe you don't know much about this bear, I think. I like Paddington Bear very much. He is a bear from Peru, and go to London and live in with Brown's family. He likes London though his home is Peru. His attractive features are banger hat, a duffle coat, and a suitcase. He is very famous in London and His bronze statue settled in Padington station with a plate says "Please look after this BEAR. THANK YOU." I want to look after you!! That is what I want to say to him, haha.I haven't visited to London yet, but I want to go there very much. And I want to meet Padington bear someday.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


TODAY, I tale the exam of Microsoft Office Specialist "MOS."
The perfect score is 1000 points, and I got 947 points! I passed an easy victory the exam!
Next stage is Excel. I am going to pass this exam as well as Word.

[43 words]

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I haven't been feeling well lately....
I'm tired....(´д`;){nooooooo

I wanna go somewhere!!!


My Favorite Animals

Do you like animals? I love animals very much. I like to go to a zoo or an aquarium, because there are lots of lovely animals. Today, I am going to talk about my favorite animals.
As I said before, I like animals very much. Among of all kinds of animals, I like dogs especially. In my house, we have a dog named Rookie; he is a golden retriever. He is nine years old now, so he is already eighty years old as a human. Before Rookie has come to my house, we had same kind of dog; his name was Keeper. When I was elementary school student, Keeper has come to my house. He was very clever and lovely, so our family loved him very much. But he is very sickness, so he died only three years because of leukemia. We were all sad, and my mother decided to never have any dog. But one year after from Keeper died, my father proposed having dog again. And then, Rookie came to our house. Rookie was not clever than Keeper, and when he was baby, he didn’t take to us. We all worried about that, but we kept loving Rookie as well as Keeper. And few years later, he did trust me a little and little. Now, we love and trust each other. I know that he likes me very much because when he looks at me, his face is very gentle.
Another favorite animal is horses. Horses are very clever and human and horses have a deep bond from the past. In my future, I want to have a horse in my house.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My friend★

Today, I would like to talk about my friend. Her name is Shiori. She is very interesting girl. She is very pretty girl. She is very kind girl. She has a lot of friends. I like her.We are always hung out together in KGU. We are always in KGU’s bakery. There are four people there. Their names are Saori and Sanae. If you want to see us, go to bakery!Shiori and I went to same high school, and we were in a same class in third grade. But we are not close friends then. I don’t know why, ha-ha! As we go to same university now, we became a very close friend. We went to a short trip in last summer. It was a very good trip. This summer, we don’t have any plan, but I want to go somewhere with her.She has a big dream. She wants to be a French cook. And shiori loves tatsuya So they are couple. They will marry in near future!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

May 10, today is mother's day. I always thank to my mother everyday.

In Japan, it is very common thing to give carnations to mother. Every year, I give this flower to her, too. These are my carnations and my dog.

Mmm.... IT'S SO LOVELY!!

My brother also gives her carnations.
Our mother seemed so happy because of these presents.
And I cooked this night's dinner for my mother; I cooked a hamburger with sauce. That was very nice. Not only mother was happy also my father.
I can't tell my grateful to mother only words.
There is no more thing that I want to say about mother's day....
Oh, the flower shop where I bought this carnation is my favorite shop; named T's garden. There are lots of lovely flower and household goods, and prices are comparatively low. This shop is near my house, so if you want to go to this shop, I will guide.

I like flowers very much. I want to make my garden full of flowers!
[170 words]

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sanae is back!

Today, I went to Hikarino-mori to meet Sanae. She went to NZ to study abroad three months ago but she came back this month because of the swine flu. She was very sad because she wanted to stay NZ, but she must go back to Japan. But I am very happy to meet her, I thought that we can't meet each other for a year.
She was very fine today, and she also seemed to be happy to meet me. We talked and talked and talked. There seems to be no end to the things she and I have to say each other. I like the time that talking with her, so time is so fast.
She will stay at least one month. I still have lots of things that I want to talk to her!


Friday, May 8, 2009

BR:04 Sam Rans Away

I read the book titled "Sam Runs Away." Sam is the main character of this story. By the cover illustration, I think Sam is a little frumpy girl. She seems timid and quiet.

That story is a family problem. Sam's parents are always trying to a marital quarrel. And they always try to make Sam take sides. Sam hates this, and she doesn't think about her parents anymore. But on the other hand, the fight between her mother and father continue to heat up. Sam can't stand it, and finally she runs away.

She enters the castle, and go into the secret room. And then, her friend; Ben come in because he find Sam runs away. Ben told her to go back home and tell her parents why she runs away and how she feels. Sam agrees with Ben, and she goes back to her home.
The parents are both angered with Sam. But Sam started crying, her father and mother stop shouting at her. And Sam tells her parents how she feels. Parents are reflecting in it. And they promise Sam to never do this thing.

Everyone in this world has family problem. But only thinking is never conveyed. We should talk each other!

[205 words]

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Golden Week!! The Third Day

May 5th, today is Children's Day.
Am I a child or adult? I don't know.

In Japan, we eat a rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves on Children's Day.
Parents and grandparents adorn a warrior's helmet, and put up carp streamers for their children and grandchildren.

When I was a child, my parents also did those things.
But recently, they don't. Is that means I become a adult...?

I want to watch a helmet and carp in a long time.
Please, mom!

[82 words]

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Golden Week 2nd day!

Today, I had a plan to go to Aso with my friend. But it was a golden week, we underestimated golden week. On the way to Aso, it was delayed very much. Our car didn't go ahead at all. So we decided to return to the city. But we really wanted to go to Aso, so we have no plan except go to Aso. Finally, I supposed to go to CREA in Kashima. And we went to there, and did a little shopping. That was fun. But before long, we want to go to Aso!

[95 words]

Saturday, May 2, 2009

BR:03 Green Island

I read the book titled "Green Island." Its illustration is very lovely, so I want to read it. There are some children and an old woman at this cover. Now, I am going to talk about this book.

The main character is not clear, but there are many children and some teachers. They are all class mates, and they go to Seabay House. When I was an elementary school student, I went to a house near maintain by school event as well as them, and that reminds me these days.

They go to for a walk, and eat supper together. On the second day, they do a beach study. And then, some children find a seagull which can't fly because it has oil in its feathers. And the children think they want help this seagull. The teacher and these children took the seagull to an old woman who looks after all kinds of animals. And there, she took off the seagull’s oil. She looks after one sea-otter, and she is going to let otter go to Green Island. The teacher and children go together. At the island, there are lots of sea-otters and sea birds. But they find a lot of drums full of toxic waste. It is occasion for animals’ injury and illness. Finally, they catch the people who carry these drums. After all, the children became hero at Green Island.

I like this story because it shows us the environmental disruption. It is a big problem in this world, and we have to think seriously this problem. When I watch this book, I think it's a child book. But it was a good book than I think.

[279 words]

Golden Week the 1st Day!

Today, I met my two friends of high school. We went to Joyfull and tolked for more than 4 hours. We tolked own recent conditions, and eat and eat. I love them because when I was with them, I always feel happy.

At 6 pm, I went to school library to study. It was a holiday, so there are few people in the library. It was very quiet. I like the library which have few people. I finished my study, I rent 5 books for this blog.

It was a quiet holiday for the golden week, but I was very satisfied. Tomorro I am going to go to Aso!!

[108 words]