Friday, July 31, 2009

my favorite....

Hi everyone! How are you doing!? Today, I would like to introduce about her...aiko!!! She is Japanese singer-songwriter and I am a big fan of her. She is now 34 years old, but she seems to be younger than her real age. I like her songs and her pleasant personality. Aiko write a lot of love songs that we all can have sympathy. And she has very lovely voice, and she is good at singing. I always sing her songs when I go to Karaoke with friends of mine. As I said before, she wrote a lot of songs, and among of all those songs, I like the song titled “瞳” means “the pupil if an eye”. This song is also love song, but it is not love between boys and girls but between mother and daughter. That is my best favorite song. First I heard the song, I cried. And there were my mother, with hearing the song I looked at my mother, then her also cried. It gives us a lot of impressive.
This summer aiko hold her concert all around Japan. And next month she will come to Fukuoka. So I just want to go to her concert! I am very looking forward to it.
I like her fashion, too. She always wears the old fashion clothes. And those are all lovely. I want her to start up her own fashion brand. If it comes true, I will be a big fan of that brand as well.

That is all for today, thank you for your reading. And please hear the song; “瞳”!

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

lunch time!

Today I went to my favorite café with my mother for a lunch. I like the lunch time with my mother very much because we look like friend. I can talk everything of myself to her, and she talks to me everything of her. We can’t have secret each other. And I also appreciate that relation between us because every time I talk to her, I become very happy and I have no more worries. If I have children in my future, I want to have a lot of conversation with them just like my mother and I. And the lunch was very delicious!

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Hi, everyone. How about your tests? I have only four tests in this term. So it is easier than last year. Today, my friend started on a trip to New Zeeland. I wanted to go to airport to see off her, but I have a part-time job, so I couldn’t go there. I am little miss her already, but that is not good for me. I have a lot thing that I have to do in Japan this year, so I have to hang on. Oh, I started my new part-time job in the down town. I am a telephone operator. But that job is very difficult for me. Former, I work at local TV station, and I did my job with many professionals. That experience was very precious and good for me. But my new job is not fun for me…. After my job, I always have a bad headache. But I will be a working member of society almost 2 years later, so I have not to complain easily. That office gives us high payment! That is good point of this job. As I said before, in this summer I am going to go to Okinawa with my circle member, so I need a lot of money. To work is hard! Keep on trying, Tomoko!!
And I want to say that word to my friend who go to big trip as well!

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Harry Potter!

Today, I went to a movie theater with friend of mine to watch the new Harry Potter movie! I was very looking forward the day which this movie starts. And it was fantastic one! I love Harry Potter series so I was very expected to this film. But it was cool! That is sixth film for this series and next is the last one. I can’t wait next film!
My friends was also impressed it. We are both cried and it is so funny. Movies are excellent hobby.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Help me.

An air-conditioner of my room is broken! It is not work anyway! So my room is very hot and humid every night, so I can't sleep well.... But I know that is very luxury. So also I know I should not say something bad for my life! I know...I know.... But you know Kumamoto's summer is very very very hot and humid!!!! I can't stand it anymore. I want a new air-conditioner mom and dad!

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Friday, July 17, 2009

BR-13: Kidnappers

I read the book titled “kidnappers.” The reason why I choose this book is easy one. I like this series. This book was that kidnapper, main character is kipper. Kipper is a boy who has magic key. The key is taking him an adventure and this time it took him an adventure. He went to animal world with his toys. They went on the airplane to Switzerland. When the plane landed everyone got off. There were lots and lots of bears. They took a bus and they went to front of the gate in festival. Kipper and his friends found a good place to sit. Suddenly, every one shouted and cheered because a famous singer bear had come on the stage. After his live, they looked that some nasty bears were pushing the famous bears into a car. It was a kidnap. The car spends away. Kipper and his friends ran after the car as fast as he could. Kipper and his friends went to the house. Kipper rand a bell. Some bears came to the door. Kipper and his friends gave honey for them. While they ate honey, Kipper and his friends help kidnapped bear. The nasty bears didn't see them because they were too busy eating the honey. One of the nasty bears.
I like this story because it is very lovely. That good story.

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Talk and talk

Today, I ate out at downtown with five friends of mine. The member is my favorite company, the four are my high school friends and one is a friend of a friend. We talked each other about our school, boyfriends, part-tome job, and so on. I like to talk with friends, and it is my best stress management. To listen to their story is fan. I like my friends and I thank them. Anyway, I had a very nice time there because of them. Next our gathering will hold next month (・д・)ノ
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