Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We had a school festival for tree days from October 30 to November 2. I'm belonging to ESS circle, and we soled nanchara-burger. We had three menus; yakiniku-burger, fish burger, mango burger. I like fish burger the best in the three. That was so nice:p

In this festival, a lot of friends of mine going another school came to my university. So I could meet many friends who don't meet long time. I was so happy to see them! Thank you for your visit!

There were so many events for these three days. Among those events, I enjoyed a dance show the best. I am not good at dancing, so I like to watch dance. My friend took part in the show, and she is soooo cool!! I wanna try to dancing! Please teach me! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

Anyway, I had very delightful time in those days! I wish everyday will be festival...!

Oh, I found KODAMA on the campus:)
(174 words)

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