Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Secrets of Kumamoto

There are a lot of secrets in Kumamoto.
And I will tell you a little secrets of Kumamoto....

Secrets of Kumamoto Castle
I think you know Kumamoto Castle. But do you know about history of Kumamoto Castle? Who made this castle? And Why did he made this castle?
These answers are connected with the histories of the Kato family.

The Kato family is prospered in Sengoku-Jidai. And the first lord of this castle was Kiyomasa Kato. Before he made this castle, he were in Korea, and he foughted. He had to shut himself up in the Korian castle. Then, he learned what is the best castle for the fight. He thought the most important things were foods and retreats. So a tradition handed down from old times, Kumamoto castle's wall were covered with miso. And Kiyomasa made retreat from the castle to Mt. Kinpou(金峰山)!
I was surprised to hear these secrets at the first time.

And do you know when and why the Kato family was overthrown and the Hosokawa came to power? After Kiyomasa died, his son, Tadamasa succeed his father as the load of this castle and reign over Kumamoto. But he didn’t have leadership as his father, so politics were disarranged.

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