Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Secrets of Kumamoto

There are a lot of secrets in Kumamoto.
And I will tell you a little secrets of Kumamoto....

Secrets of Kumamoto Castle
I think you know Kumamoto Castle. But do you know about history of Kumamoto Castle? Who made this castle? And Why did he made this castle?
These answers are connected with the histories of the Kato family.

The Kato family is prospered in Sengoku-Jidai. And the first lord of this castle was Kiyomasa Kato. Before he made this castle, he were in Korea, and he foughted. He had to shut himself up in the Korian castle. Then, he learned what is the best castle for the fight. He thought the most important things were foods and retreats. So a tradition handed down from old times, Kumamoto castle's wall were covered with miso. And Kiyomasa made retreat from the castle to Mt. Kinpou(金峰山)!
I was surprised to hear these secrets at the first time.

And do you know when and why the Kato family was overthrown and the Hosokawa came to power? After Kiyomasa died, his son, Tadamasa succeed his father as the load of this castle and reign over Kumamoto. But he didn’t have leadership as his father, so politics were disarranged.

Secrets of Kumamoto (brain storm)

Kumamoto Castle
the Hosokawa family
the Kato family
Mt. Dokko
A lullaby of Itsuki

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Best Essay!

I nominated Chie's essay for the best movie review.
Her essay is very easy to understand her oppinion. Also I can sympathize with her thought. So I chose her essay.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Home Town Friends

Elementry school
Junior high school
Club activity

Childhood friend




(23 words)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We had a school festival for tree days from October 30 to November 2. I'm belonging to ESS circle, and we soled nanchara-burger. We had three menus; yakiniku-burger, fish burger, mango burger. I like fish burger the best in the three. That was so nice:p

In this festival, a lot of friends of mine going another school came to my university. So I could meet many friends who don't meet long time. I was so happy to see them! Thank you for your visit!

There were so many events for these three days. Among those events, I enjoyed a dance show the best. I am not good at dancing, so I like to watch dance. My friend took part in the show, and she is soooo cool!! I wanna try to dancing! Please teach me! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

Anyway, I had very delightful time in those days! I wish everyday will be festival...!

Oh, I found KODAMA on the campus:)
(174 words)


I am going to talk about a movie; Mrs. Doubtfire with this movie's themes. I think this movie's themes are love, family, bonds, and lifestyles. The movie is comedy but also humanism dorama.

Daniel is father of three sweet children. He loves his children, and his children love him, too. But he lost his job, so he depend on his wife for all of costs of living. One day, his wife Miranda decide to devorce to Daniel. And he can meet his lovely children only one day in a week. He wants to meet more often. He has an idea. He disguise in woman dress and work as a housekeeper in the house where his children live.

I thought Daniel is a little crazy when I watch this movie for the first time but he is full of love. I like his character. He loves his family. And I love my family as well.
Family is the most important thing in my whole life. Without my family, I can't live this world. I think Daniel is same to me. Family is the a part of me.

And I taught this film that lifestyles are very interesting. I think my life is my choice.