Monday, September 29, 2008

Let's go to Kyoto!

I would like to introduce this website.
This website introduces all things of Kyoto. I like Kyoto, and my mother lived there when she was young. So I was interested in this website.
I think you like it as well.

First of all, this site has a lot of categories. Maybe I should tell you all of them. There are categories of Temples and Shrines, Traditional buildings, Museums, Views, Walking around university campuses, Activities, Cultural experiences, Dining, Down town district, Hot springs, and Excursion to other Kansai. These are all cool, aren’t them? I am sure you are interested in them now.
My most favorite categories are Temples and Shrines. Because in this page we can know World Heritages which Kyoto has easer. I think it is very good idea. If you crick temple or shrine that you have an interest, this site will tell you that temple or shrine’s place on map. How useful!

This site’s webmaster loves Kyoto very much. He/she knows about all things about Kyoto. When I look this site, I found one page; features. I open this page and that page is teaching the things that you should do from now in Kyoto. In Japan, autumn is known as the season of the harvest. So he/she says you should learn about the many traditional arts and the Zen mindset, passed down through the ages in Kyoto. I want to learn the Zen mindset very much since I was high school student. So I will go to Mt.Kouya.

One more good point on this website is you can know history of Kyoto as well less than 230 words. That is easy enough to learn the history. I think that you think history of Kyoto is difficult, but it is very easy. You should not know about only the history of Kyoto but also the history of Japan.

Now, I want to go to Kyoto very much. I want to see Kyoto’s mountains witches are full of autumnal tints. That must be beautiful. And my friends are living in Kyoto, so I want to see them, too. I am Japanese, and I live in Japan, but I don’t know enough about this country. Kyoto has Japanese style, so I’d like to go there.
You see this website, you want to go to Kyoto.
Let’s go with me :)!

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