Sunday, December 9, 2007

Week 11 School

Tomorrow speaking class's topic is school. We have all kinds school. For example, university, driving school, juku, and so on. Now I go to only one school but I wanna go something else. I have had lessons for piano before. When I was junior high school student, I quit it. I want to learn how to play the piano. The tuition fee is expensive. I cannot depend od my parents's money for hobby, I need to save money.

Merry Christmas a little before.

Talking of Christmas, we remember beautiful illumination in Japan. Today, I went to the Saisyunkan pharmaceutical company to see illumination as an annual event for Cristmas with my friends by car. It was wounderful. It took 200 yen, but it deserve taking more 200 yen I think. I want to go again till 12/25.

December 7

2 days ago, our speaking group "apple" hold a meeting. We have only a week for prepare the presentation! We have to hurry. This presentation's topic is news in 2027. I hope the world is going to be very safety and peace. So we are now thinking about the peaceful world. To think about this is very fun, but we have to hurry!